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I am Dr. Na Tosha Gatson, Founding President and CEO of Living Oncology, 501(c)(3) and a Neuro-Oncology specialist. Living Oncology is a charitable organization standing in the gaps that exist between the patient, the physician, and the science. We serve as a neutral medium for the transfer of cutting-edge information that is critical to best patient outcomes. We believe that – LIVING is larger than life!

Our Mission

We endeavor to improve health literacy by reconnecting patients and their caregivers to the scientific resources that allow for optimal LIVING through their cancer journey.

Our Vision

LIVING is larger than Life. We are uniquely positioned to provide ample patient-facing learning spaces for physicians and oncology care experts to intersect for the betterment of the patient. Living Oncology is indispensable to cancer health literacy. 

Our Impact

Oncologic Information

Newly dispensed data that influences how and when knowledge is applied; and has the potential to one day become knowledge.

Oncologic Knowledge

A collection of established facts about treatment approaches and outcomes.

To fuel the dispensation of information, with a goal to improve the cancer knowledge-base and grow the wisdom of the field. We are aiming for true health literacy, and not just patient education. Education teaches patients about their health. Health literacy provides the tools to make good cancer care decisions that lead to improve health outcomes!  

Oncologic Wisdom

The accumulation of knowledge balanced with experience to best discern next steps in cancer care.

If you’d like more information or want to partner with us, let us know!

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